Economic and Ecological Breast Pump with Cooling and Preservation System of the Breastmilk

Economic and Ecological Breast Pump with Cooling and Preservation System of the Breastmilk

Illustrative project image

Medical tags

Clinical need
Prevention of pathology or disease
Other supporting equipment
Project keywords
Breastmilk, food and drug, breastpump, cooling, ecologic, economic, air-water system, no electricity
Device classification

Project description

The leading causes of deaths in children under 5 are: pneumonia, diarrhoea, sepsis e severe malnutrition. Breastmilk is more than just food for babies – it is also a potent medicine for diseases prevention that is tailored to the needs of each child. Breastfed babies are less susceptible to ear infections, diarrhoea, pneumonia and other childhood illnesses.
Our project fights not necessary and wrong use of artificial milk, caused by mother’s illiteracy or poverty and use of unsafe water. It supports women who choose to breastfeed assisting breastmilk production and preservation without electric energy.
Addressed target population is developing country population.
The project consists in a manual breast pump with an air-water cooling system. Through the water evaporation the collected breastmilk is cooled and preserved at 15°C for 24 h, 5 times more than the storage time at room temperature.
Our technology is very easy and cheap to be accessible to illiterate and poor people as well. The cooling system is made with the smallest possible number of pieces and it is very easy to assemble and clean. The instruction book will present only images, without words.
The system works and is made only with available, economic and recyclable materials to be completely sustainable.